|| 1 | Be impeccable with your word || 2 | Do not take anything personally || 3 | Do not make assumptions || 4 | Always do your best || 5 | Be skeptical but learn to listen ||
Since we know the world , we must concede for both a common Source , single but with the power of seeming many . The picture of names and forms , the onlooker , the screen , the light that illumines — all these are verily It .
The essence of the Buddha's teachings can be summed up in two principles : The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path . The first covers the side of doctrine , and the primary response it elicits is understanding
The people who are of the greatest use in this world are those who act through three edges : who have the head , the heart , the hand and tongue , well trained
Systematic study of the Gita , Ramayana , Bhagavata , Vishnu Sahasranama , Upanishads , Yoga Vasishtha , Bible , Zend Avesta , Quran , Tripitaka , Sri Guru Granth Sahib , etc , helps you to develop pure thoughts .
O Lord ! May my mind be not diverted to any other idea or thought , except that of blissful Self , in all the three states of mind , waking , dreaming or in the deep sleep state .
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