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RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00400 | RAMA राम

Fear is only congested Love .
Else how could Love conquer Fear ?

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00401 | RAMA राम

If anybody ask Rama to give Rama's philosophy in one word , Rama would say self-reliance , the knowledge of Self . Hear , O human ! Know thyself .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00402 | RAMA राम

True , literally true it is , when you help yourself , GOD must help you . Heaven is bound to help you .

It can be proved , it can be realized that your very Self is GOD — the Infinite , the Omnipotent .

Here is a reality , a truth waiting to be verified by experiment .

Verily , verily depend upon yourself and you can achieve anything . Nothing is impossible for you .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00403 | RAMA राम

To teach without words and to be useful without action , few among people attain to it .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00404 | RAMA राम

Love the Reality only , cling to GOD alone . Take in GOD , assimilate GOD , walk with GOD , be GOD , behave GOD . That is Life .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00405 | RAMA राम

Bury yourself in the Reality , in Divinity , in GOD , in the true Atman . Keep yourself buried in the Spirit , in the Truth .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00406 | RAMA राम

If anyone should give you a blow with a hand , with a stick or with a knife , you should abandon any desires and utter no evil words . ~ Buddha

But I say to you , That you resist not evil : but whoever shall smite you on your right cheek , turn to whomever the other also . ~ Jesus

Resist not evil ; resist not at all ; stand still and see the glory of the Almighty defence . ~ RAMA राम

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00407 | RAMA राम

Does not the air breathe as kindly and as willingly into the lungs of the criminal as of the saint ?

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00408 | RAMA राम

ALL IS LOVE . To know is to love Truth . What is Truth ? Tat Twain Asi or Love itself .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00409 | RAMA राम

The human's real self is nothing but this transcendental Love . You are Love . Oh , you are the Universal Self .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00410 | RAMA राम

To realize and feel this truth in practical life is Purity .

But one who begins to seek things and hankers after them as if not one with all rends one's GODself twain and is thereby impure .

Shunning and curling up is not Purity ; resisting and avoiding beauty is not Chastity .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00411 | RAMA राम

True Purity is that where all beauty is absorbed in me and I feel and enjoy my spiritual oneness with all to such an extent that to talk or think of meeting any object sounds like a painful hint of separation .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00412 | RAMA राम

Economy of thought . Is Reality unknowable ? No . It is the very material on which and with which our cognition is written .

It is both the slate and the slate-pencil which in their inter-action produce the writing .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00413 | RAMA राम

Is Reality like square root of -2 a surd , ( irrational ) , remaining deaf to our questions ? No . But even surd is not absurd .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00414 | RAMA राम

Blasphemy = not to be exact , not to speak the Truth with mathematical accuracy .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00415 | RAMA राम

Are you not that power ?

That power which is beyond the intellect , the mind , indeed you are .

If so , you are the same power which is governing the force of the whole Universe , you are the same Divinity , you are the same GOD , the same Unknowable , the same energy , force , substance anything you may call it , the same Divinity , the All which is present everywhere .

The same , the same you are .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00416 | RAMA राम

Let the human dare to be divine , since GOD has dared to be human .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00417 | RAMA राम

True religion is to free us , not to bind us .
You do not belong to any religion .
All religions belong to you .

All the dogmatic ideologies of the world have more or less of superstition , stamped on their face .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00418 | RAMA राम

Truth is Your Birthright .
Assert it and Be Master of Universe .

Truth is " Tattva-Masi " — " That Thou Art "

Live in your GODhead and you are free ,
your own master . Ruler of the Universe .

To realize the Truth is to become the master of the Universe .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00419 | RAMA राम

You will see that this brain of yours will become of infinite power if you realize your oneness with the All .

That is what puts you in perfect harmony with the whole world .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00420 | RAMA राम

The different sects throughout the world can be classed under these three heads — " I am GOD's ! " , " I am Thine ! " , " I am GOD ! " .

So far as the forms are concerned , the second form , " I am Thine " is higher than the first , " I am GOD's " and the third form , " I am GOD " is the highest .

Into any of these three forms we may infuse the true religious spirit .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00421 | RAMA राम

The true lover of GOD becomes one with GOD , and unconsciously , spontaneously , involuntarily such expressions find utterance through one's lips :

" I am GOD " , " I am GOD " , " I am GOD " , " I am Thou " , " Thou and I are one " . " I am GOD , I am GOD . Nothing less can I be " .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00422 | RAMA राम

Let Truth gain such immense proportions for you that before its magnitude all appearances and the vanity-show of purges and persons may volatilize into evanescence .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00423 | RAMA राम

Truth need not compromise .

Let the whole world turn round the Sun ,
the Sun need not revolve round the world .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00424 | RAMA राम

Vedantic Religion may be summed up in the single commandment :

Keep yourself perfectly happy and at rest , no matter what happens — sickness , death , hunger , calumny , or anything .

Be cheerful and at peace on the ground of your GODhood to which thou shalt ever be True .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00425 | RAMA राम

The world — its inmates , relations , and all are vanishing quantities if you please to assert the majesty of your real Self .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00426 | RAMA राम

Inspect , observe , and watch or do anything ; but do all that in the light of your True Self , that is to say , forget not that your Self is above all that and beyond all want .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00427 | RAMA राम

You really require nothing . Why should you feel a desire for anything ?

Do your work with the grace of a Universal Ruler , for pleasure , fun , or mere amusement's sake .

Never , never feel that you want anything .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00428 | RAMA राम

You do not belong to any religion .
All religions belong to you .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00429 | RAMA राम

True happiness is brought to me by realizing that

" I am the whole , the Absolute Truth , the Magnificent , indestructible Atman , the Reality " ;

that happiness casts into the shade all your worldly personal joys and pleasures .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00430 | RAMA राम

No one has any proprietary right over air .

Similarly , no one has any proprietary right over Truth or knowledge .

All the religion of the world , all the Truth of the world is yours .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00431 | RAMA राम

Sometimes when only one person listens to you , truth comes more beautifully and magnificently .

Truth cares not whether the audience is large or small .

Take up the idea and by and by the whole world will listen .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00432 | RAMA राम

If you walk alone , and if you are a thinker , there can be nothing more beneficial to you than to begin to chant OM when nobody is around .

As you walk and chant OM , you will see that the very atmosphere will inspire you and in you will be evoked wonderful and marvellous thoughts .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00433 | RAMA राम

Keep the mind always busy , working . Allow it no rest .
This is the best way to escape the fever of attachment .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00434 | RAMA राम

The ordinary sinner of today may turn out to be a saint , to be the purest person after a while .

Remember that if a person is doing wrong , you have no right to stand against and hate that person .

See the Divinity , see GOD in Everything and Everywhere .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00435 | RAMA राम

If other people send evil thoughts and you do not receive them , then those evil thoughts are sent back ; but by receiving and accepting these thoughts you pervert matters .

Receive not their criticism . How ?

By asserting your Divinity , by keeping in your centre , by living in the Spirit , by realizing the Truth .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00436 | RAMA राम

You see your own faults and hate not yourself , and if you find faults in your friend , try and keep yourself away from those faults , but hate not .

They are GOD , recognise the GODhead in them .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00437 | RAMA राम

If you worship humanity , or in other words , if you look upon humanity not as humanity but as the Divinity , if you approach Everything as GOD , as the Divinity , and then worship humanity , then you worship GOD .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00438 | RAMA राम

If you have done something very charitable and very great , and your fellows have not , if this great deed puffs you up and you find fault with and criticize your neighbours , have you gained in virtue , are you nearer to GOD ?

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00439 | RAMA राम

Sin and virtue have to do altogether with your position and frame of mind .

If anybody is thinking evil thoughts of you , if other people find fault with you , are you to retaliate ?

No , no . Never !

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00440 | RAMA राम

How do criticism and evil thoughts injure you ?

They injure you only when you receive them ;
if you do not receive them , they will not injure you .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00441 | RAMA राम

Feel yourself GOD and you will be GOD .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00442 | RAMA राम

Vedantic renunciation means throwing off and casting overboard all anxiety , fear , worry , hurry , and trouble of mind by continually keeping before your mental vision the GODhead of your real Self , exempt from all worldly cares , worries , and duties .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00443 | RAMA राम

You have no duties to discharge , you are bound to none , you are responsible to nobody .

You have no debt to pay , you are bound to none , assert your individuality against all society and all nations and everything .

That is the Vedantic renunciation .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00444 | RAMA राम

Society , custom and convention , laws , rules , regulations , criticisms , and reviews can never touch your real Self .

Feel that , throw it off , renounce it , that you are not .

Give this meaning to OM , and chant OM on all occasions of fatigue .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00445 | RAMA राम

Expect nothing , fear nothing , feel no responsibility .
Do not take to your work as in duty bound .
What is Duty ? Duty is your own creation .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00446 | RAMA राम

Take to your work as a ruler .
Everything should be like a plaything to you .
Do the work before you cheerfully , freely .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00447 | RAMA राम

Come , realize your true Self , Almighty GOD .

Oh ! The splendour and glory of your Self
makes the pomp of emperors ridiculous .

Such a wondrous Heaven you are ,
Existence , Knowledge and Bliss you are .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00448 | RAMA राम

Your GODhead is not outside yourself , you are already GOD , you are the same . It is strange oblivion that makes you forgetful of your real Self , your real GODhead .

Remove this ignorance , dispel this darkness , away with it and you are GOD already .

By your nature you are free ; you have forgotten yourself in your state of slavery . A ruler may fall asleep and find oneself a beggar ; one may dream that one is a beggar , but that can in no way interfere with one's real sovereignty .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00449 | RAMA राम

According to Vedanta the self-evident truth is that
you are already GOD , nothing else but GOD .

Your GODhead is not to be effected ,
it is simply to be known and realized or felt .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00450 | RAMA राम

Love divested of all carnality is spiritual illumination .

Dear me ! The cowards of prophets had not always the courage or light enough to disclose to the people the true secret of their inspiration —

Love or Tat Tvam Asi , wherever the eyes fall That Thou Art .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00451 | RAMA राम

Attach yourself to any outside object ; cling to any name or personality ; depend upon any great person ; trust , rely or lean upon that one , and that staff will be removed , you will fall down .

Lean upon a table , and if the table is taken away , you fall , you feel a shock .

Now , what does that teach ? It teaches that we are not to make our affections rest upon these gross , material objects .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00452 | RAMA राम

Come to your work in an independent spirit , just as a ruler to play football or some other game for pleasure's sake , so come to your work because pleasure or happiness lives in the garb of work .

Independent we feel , not bound by a thing .

People say duty , duty , duty .
Why should Duty lord it over you ?

Feel no responsibility to anybody ,
you are your own lord .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00453 | RAMA राम

You become the Lord of lords , the Ruler of rulers when you are free of desires , when one by one these desires are thrown off .

How free and happy you become that moment !

Thus Rama says that the path of Truth is not a thing to be accomplished or brought about , your exertions and efforts are that you will have to undo simply the bondage and thraldom which you have already done through your desires .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00454 | RAMA राम

Persist in standing by the Truth , and you will find that you live in no ordinary world .

The world will be a world of miracles for you , miracles all around you , and woe unto the GODs if they do not lackey you in your advance onward .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00455 | RAMA राम

O people of America and of the whole world , the truth is that you cannot serve GOD and Mammon , you cannot serve two masters , you cannot enjoy the world and also realize Truth .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00456 | RAMA राम

Thus in order to get the whole Truth :

you must get rid of worldly desires ; you must rise above worldly attachments and hatred ; you must bid farewell to all the ties and bonds , enslaving and clinging ; you must rise above all this .

This is the price , and unless you pay the price you cannot realize the Truth .

If you are not prepared to pay the price , rest content with the hard lot which you must bear .

If you want Realization , if you want GOD-consciousness , come up please , pay the price , and then you will have everything .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00457 | RAMA राम

GOD is no respecter of persons , nor is Fortune geographical .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00458 | RAMA राम

In the name of reform we carry our dictatory directions to the extremes .

A child being once asked one's name replied :

" Mamma always calls me Dont ! That must be my name "

So have people lost their real Self under the weight of rules and orders , and they fancy themselves to be merest name and form .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00459 | RAMA राम

So long as we feel an impulse to defend the body and retaliate on behalf of personality , returning tit for tat , we are dead .

There is no safer test of greatness than the faculty to let mortifying and insulting expressions pass unheeded .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00460 | RAMA राम

The Law is Trisul ( the Cross ) , it pierces the little false self .

One who suffers willing Crucifixion , to one the world is a Garden of Eden . To all else , it is a paradise lost .

The Law is fire , it burns up all worldly attachments ( sneha ) , it scorches the ignorant mind , yet it purifies and destroys all kinds of spiritual plague germs .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00461 | RAMA राम

Worldly wisdom is only excuse of Ignorance .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00462 | RAMA राम

A poet is inspired when one is above the idea of the little self or ego , when one has no thought of " I am writing poetry " .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00463 | RAMA राम

Be genuine , true to yourself .
Live your own experience .

There is no master more masterly
than your own experience .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00464 | RAMA राम

Desire is a disease ; it keeps you in a state of suspense .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00465 | RAMA राम

Renunciation does not mean asceticism .
Renunciation means making everything holy .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00466 | RAMA राम

Have you a doubt as to your own Divine Self ?
You had better a bullet in your heart than a doubt there .

Does your heart fail you ? Pluck it out and cast it from you .
Dare to laugh and launch into the Truth , Are you afraid ?

Afraid of what ?
Of GOD ? Nonsense :
Of humans ? Cowardice :
Of the Elements ? Dare them :
Of yourself ? Know Thyself ;
Say I am GOD .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00467 | RAMA राम

In the most solitary caves commit a sin and you will in no time be astonished to see that the very grass under your feet stands up and bears testimony against you , you will in no time see that the very walls , the very trees have tongues , and speak .

You cannot cheat Nature , Providence .
This is a truth , this is a law .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00468 | RAMA राम

Do not sell the Christ of your real Self , the Lord of Lords , for the deluding pleasures of this world .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00469 | RAMA राम

Blessed is one who is dead drunk in divine madness .
Happy is one who is drowned in heavenly intoxication .

Blessed is one who has attained GOD-Realization .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00470 | RAMA राम

Believe always in the spiritual powers , in the infinite capacity of those with whom you come in contact .

Give up judging , never form any particular opinion , never condemn .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00471 | RAMA राम

Renunciation ; giving up egoistic life .

Verily , verily , everlasting life lies in
losing the congested life of personality .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00472 | RAMA राम

Just sing , just chant OM and while chanting it ,
put your whole heart into it ,
put all your energies into it ,
put your whole soul into it .
Put all your strength in realizing it .

The meaning of this syllable OM is " I AM GOD " , " I AND GOD ARE ONE " , OM . " THE SAME AM I " . OM , OM .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00473 | RAMA राम

The person , who is worthy of being a leader of people , will never complain of the stupidity of the helpers , of the faithlessness of the followers , of the ingratitude of humanity , nor of non-appreciation of the public .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00474 | RAMA राम

Service and love , and not mandates and compulsion , is the atmosphere for growth .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00475 | RAMA राम

Feel yourself GOD and sing songs of joy in GODhead .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00476 | RAMA राम

Let nothing but the true Self remain before the mind forever and ever .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00477 | RAMA राम

If three hundred and thirty-three billions of Christs appear in the world , it will do no good , unless you yourself undertake to remove the darkness within .

Depend not on others .

All these processes of joining this Church or that , this society or that society , worshipping , this Christ or that Krishna , this fetish or that , will avail nothing .

Do all that you like , but it will avail you nothing .

The only remedy is Light , and Light is living knowledge , living faith in your Divinity . That is the remedy , there is no other .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00478 | RAMA राम

Sell not your liberty to Buddha , Jesus , Mohammad or Krishna . If Buddha taught that way or Christ taught this way , or if Mohammad taught in some other way , it was all good and all right for them ; they lived in other times .

They mastered their problems ; they judged by their own intellects ; it was so grand of them .

But you are living today ; you shall have to judge and scrutinize and examine matters for yourselves .

Be free , free to look at everything by your own light .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00479 | RAMA राम

The highest gift you can confer on a person is to offer knowledge . You may feed a person today ; one will be just as hungry tomorrow . Teach the person an art and you enable one to earn a living all the life .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00480 | RAMA राम

Be all you are in all you do .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00481 | RAMA राम

When we realize the Truth and feel the Reality , the world is converted into a veritable heaven for us .

There are then no foes , no fears , no troubles , no anxieties , no pain .

Verily , verily , it is so .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00482 | RAMA राम

Look straight : which means dare to look at anybody and everybody just as boldly as you look at trees and rivers fearlessly , with no apprehension , as a child , projecting no personality in them , seeing your own self and no stranger in these .

Children who play life discern its true laws and relations , more clearly than people who think they are wiser by experience , that is , by failure .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00483 | RAMA राम

The evil in personal desires is that the real Love or GOD is entirely forgotten , the wave conceals the ocean , and the human is put out of harmony with the All . If a desire tends to restore or restores your universal love , it is good .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00484 | RAMA राम

Forget your little self in work and entirely throw yourself into it ; you will succeed .

If you are thinking , become thought itself , you shall succeed .
If you are working , become work itself , and thus you shall succeed .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00485 | RAMA राम

Sacrifice your little self , forget it in the performance of your work , and success must be yours . It cannot be otherwise .

Cannot I say , the desire for success must die in your work before achieving success ?

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00486 | RAMA राम

Never wait for anybody . Be yourself . Prop not against anything . Expect nothing . Ask nothing . Seek nothing .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00487 | RAMA राम

The world and your surroundings are exactly what you think them to be .

Just as you think , so you become .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00488 | RAMA राम

Call yourself a sinner and you must become a sinner ; call yourself a fool and you must become a fool ; call yourself weak and there is no power in this world that can make you strong .

Feel that omnipotence and omnipotent you are .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00489 | RAMA राम

Change the feeling in an individual , one's whole method of thinking will be a revolutionised .

The habit of looking at ourselves through the eyes of others is called vanity , self-aggrandisement .

We want to appear so good in the eyes of others ; this is the evil of society , the bane of all religion .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00490 | RAMA राम

OM is the name of this Reality .

Realize it and sing it in the language of feeling , sing it with your acts , sing it through every pore of your body .

Let it course through your veins , let it pulsate in your bosom , let every hair on your body and , every drop of your blood tingle ,

with the truth that you are the Light of lights , the Sun of suns , the Ruler of the universe , the Lord of lords , the true Self .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00491 | RAMA राम

The human's true nature is GOD . If GOD were not the human's own self , never could there be the advent of any prophet or saint in this world .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00492 | RAMA राम

Sail on , march on to the real Self ;
get rid of all this superstition , this superstition of the body .

Get rid of this hypnotism of this little body ;
you have hypnotized your-self into this brain or body .

Get rid of that , sail on , march on
to the eternity , the reality , the true Self .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00493 | RAMA राम

If Vedanta is not practiced in everyday life , what is the use of it ?

Vedanta printed in books and placed on shelves to be eaten up by worms will not do .

You must live it . Vedanta is the whole truth ; it is killed if the whole of it is not lived .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00494 | RAMA राम

Come , let us laugh together , laugh , laugh , laugh , Come Sun , my child ,
look into the fearless smiling eyes of Rama and live close to nature and Rama . The ecstasy itself is I .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00495 | RAMA राम

To realize the Truth is to become the master of the Universe .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00496 | RAMA राम

Well doth Infinity Me enshrine !

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00497 | RAMA राम

One of the greatest books , the most wonderful according to Rama , ever written under the Sun , is Yoga-Vasistha , which nobody on the Earth can read without escaping GOD–Consciousness , and which nobody can read through without becoming one with The All .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00498 | RAMA राम

Peace , Peace , Peace comes from within .
The sovereignty of Heaven is within alone .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00499 | RAMA राम

In books , temples , prophets , and saints in vain , in vain the search after happiness . Your experience must have shown it by this time .

If the lesson is once learnt , it is not dearly bought , no matter how much it costs .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00500 | RAMA राम

Sit alone , convert your every anguish into Divine Bliss .

Meditate on OM ! And be a giver of peace to humanity and not an expectant seeker .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00501 | RAMA राम

The Sun-­like attitude of a fearless , continuous giver , serving without hope of reward , shedding light and life out of free love , living in Divine radiance as GOD's glory , above all sense of personality , exempt from selfishness , is Salvation and Redemption .

I eat of the heavenly manna , drink of the heavenly wine , GOD is within and around me . All GOD is forever mine .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00502 | RAMA राम

If you know anything unworthy of a friend , forget it .
If you know anything pleasant about the person , tell it .

The person's countenance , like richest alchemy , will change to virtue and to worthiness .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00503 | RAMA राम

Meditate on OM ! And be a giver of peace to humanity and not an expectant seeker .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00504 | RAMA राम

Be contented to Serve says the spirit of Christ .

We cannot receive any gift , benediction or reward higher than the privilege of serving .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00505 | RAMA राम

There is no fear , nor danger , nor difficulty of any kind for a pure soul having cast aside the sense of possession and desire .

I stretch myself in the Universe , and rest free ! Free !

The viper to the breast is the little " I " .
Fling it aside and all the world pays you homage .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00506 | RAMA राम

Great souls never lose their balance .

By preserving our calm we can always turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones .

Never , never should you let the feeling of helplessness cross your mind .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00507 | RAMA राम

Throw not your centre of gravity outside yourself .

Pure love and self-sacrifice is the requirement of character , good to others is only contingent .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00508 | RAMA राम

I simply live the Truth .
Truth requires no defense and defenders .
Does the sunlight require any apostles and messengers ?

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00509 | RAMA राम

If on the ethereal heights of Truth-life thou art left alone , the sun of Righteousness should be companion enough for you .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00510 | RAMA राम

Your league should be with Truth alone .
Even if you are obliged to stand alone ,
Live with Truth , die with Truth .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00511 | RAMA राम

When shall I be free ? When I shall cease to be .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00512 | RAMA राम

All desire is Love , and Love is GOD , and that GOD you are .
OM ! OM ! ! OM ! ! !

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00513 | RAMA राम

Live in the ecstatic state and you need not worry .
The world will readjust itself towards you ,
just as you rise to that state .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00514 | RAMA राम

Renounce within all desires and live repeating OM .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00515 | RAMA राम

The very best method of spreading the Vedantic Philosophy is to live it .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00516 | RAMA राम

O Dear one , the Sun is your own Self .
Open your eyes and it is before you .

You are The Sun of suns .
Do not let the clouds of ignorance
cover and conceal your Light .

RAMABITES | PART 05 | BITE00517 | RAMA राम

Happiness lies in controlling the vagrancy of the mind .
It lies in single pointed concentration .

RAMABITES  |  01  |  02  |  03  |  04  |  05